Here you will find various events that take place during the year. For the latest updates, please check Insta or the Telegram channel (this page is only up to date in rare cases).
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Bar Night “Are TERFs the new fascists? How the two ideologies intersect and how we can fight against them”
🦋Queer durch Berlin Bar Evening🦋
16.12.23 7pm-11pm (8pm input)
Regenbogenfabrik Café, Lausitzer Straße 21a
❄️Küfa (food for a donation)
❄️Creative work
❄️und lots of fun
🦋Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible, toilet not wheelchair accessible, there is a wheelchair accessible toilet 4min away to which we have access.
The input will be in German spoken language, unfortunately we cannot guarantee an English whispered translation at the moment (but please write us if you need it).
🦋Covid: Feel free to test yourself beforehand or on site. We have free tests.
🦋Awareness: There is an awareness team that you can contact if you experience discrimination or offensive behavior or if you are not feeling well for any other reason. There is also a separate room with stimming toys and skills. The input will take place in the main room, if it gets too much for people, they are welcome to go to the other room.
❄️ On the input “Are TERFs the new fascists? How the two ideologies overlap and how we can fight against them”
TERFs stands for “Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists”
First, we will look at the emergence of TERF ideology and its spread through populism. We will look at two significant examples of how TERFs have successfully pushed their ideologies into politics:
- the anti-trans laws that have been passed in many states in the U.S.
- a current example from Germany, the Self-Determination Act (yes, unfortunately this also contains trans-hostility)
The main focus will be on the similarities between the ideology of TERFs and fascists. At the end, we want to engage in a joint exchange and consider together with you how we can actively oppose TERFs and their populism.
It will be a lot about trans-hostile and fascist ideology and narratives. Because in order to fight against TERFs, we first need to understand where their ideology comes from in the first place. We ask you to assess for yourselves whether you can deal with it.
However, we will try as far as possible to avoid reproducing trans-hostile statements or to make it very clear that these are confused conspiracy theories. You can leave the room at any time during the input and retreat to the other room or contact our awareness team.
The input will be given by two white trans* people.