Actions March 24

Hey, here you have reached the program page for the March and April 2023 actions! We have different events planned around visibility, awareness and empowerment <3

Before attending any of our events, please take a look at our awareness concept. Also, we have explained some terms here that may be helpful.

These events are complemented below by other cool actions from other collectives – you will see the difference based on the colors:

Events from / in collaboration with Queer durch Berlin

Events from other groups/ collectives

Memorial demonstration for Ratte

thursday 07.03., 17 Uhr,
S Warschauer Straße

We remember our friend Ratte. Ratte died on the 07th of may 2023 at the age of 17 years. Half a year before Ratte was expelled from their living group and therefore exposed to repression, racism and queerphobia on the streets. Ratte’s story does not stand alone but is an example for the failures in German social politics.
Therefore we want to be loud and call attention to youth and marginalised people on the streets!

Vernissage: Körper und Konstrukt

Friday 08.03., 19 Uhr
Galerie KungerKiez (Karl-Kunger-Str. 15, 12435 Berlin)

Body & construct is an exhibition of young genderqueer artist Augustin. The works at display dispute the social concepts of womanhood, the pressure to fit the norm and the extreme opposition of expectation and reality, transfiguration and judgement that female persons and their bodies are faced with.

Acessibility: wheelchair accessible

crafting with LiJA

Sunday, 10.03. 14-18 Uhr
Café Maggie (Frankfurter Allee 205)

LiJA is inviting to a creative queerfeminist clothing workshop. There will be Tools, fabrics, colors, sewing materials etc. to create (pronoun) pins and patches or to paint or sew clothes – so bring along whatever you want to embellish! There will be some drinks for free. We are looking forward to see you there!

Accessibility: There will be gender neutral rest-rooms, wheelchair accessible toilet, ramp, stimming toys and a safer space. The next train station (U-Magdalenenstraße) has an elevator and blind guidance system.

Queere Küfa von Voices for Berlin

Tuesday, 12.03., 19 Uhr
B-Lage (Mareschstraße 1, 12055 Berlin)

Every second Tuesday of each month Voices for Berlin hosts a KüfA (Kitchen for All). Enjoy delicious homemade vegan/ vegetarian food with us. We look forward to seeing you! Food is served on a donation basis. All funds are going towards our work supporting queer liberation in and out of Berlin and to other queer organisations or initiatives.

Accessibility: Room information: mobile ramp, no steps inside, wide doors, often narrow in pub, all-gender toilet (~2 m², grab rails), left room FLINT*only


Donnerstag, 14.03.,
UJZ Karlshorst (Hönower Straße 30)

We invite you to an open screenprinting evening at UJZ Karlshorst. Screens, colors and fabrics you can find there, but feel free to bring fabrics and clothes yourselves! If you want to print your own motives, you can send them to until the 12.03.

Accessibility: Unfortunately the UJZ is not wheelchair accessible.

Banner painting for Trans* Day of Visibility & Queer Pirate Evening

Friday 15.03., ab 16 Uhr, UJZ Karlshorst, Hönower Str. 30

First we want to paint a big banner together for the Trans* Day of Visibility on March 31st and meanwhile discuss our wishes & ideas for the day. Afterwards we will watch a queer pirate series (comedy). There will be non-alcoholic cocktails, table football and a campfire.Unfortunately, the UJZ is not wheelchair accessible. If the weather permits, the event will take place downstairs in the garden and would therefore be wheelchair accessible. There will be stimming toys, awareness people and a quiet room.


Saturday, 16.03. Time & Place are yet to be announced via @cakesnzines (instagram)

More cakes, zines, community, creativity, and care!What? A self-organized, queer feminist DIY Zine & Art Festival – with zines & art, workshops, a lot of space for creative things, and connecting. There is no entry fee, but we are collecting cake donations for the buffet as well as money donations for different soli-causes (Gaza and Ghana).

Queering our texts

Sunday, 17.03., 13-18 Uhr, f.a.q. infoladen, Jonasstr. 40

In der Schreibwerkstatt “Queering our texts: Wie drücken wir queere Lebensrealitäten aus?” erkunden wir, inwiefern unser (schriftliches) Ausdrücken mit unserer Queerness in Verbindung steht. In Schreibübungen und gemeinsamem Austausch fragen wir uns selbst und gegenseitig: Was macht mein Schreiben queer? Wie kann ich Queering als Schreibmethode nutzen? Und welche Sprache sprechen queere Texte? deutsche Lautsprache, rollstuhlgerechter Zugang und Toilette

Queercoustic Hangout

Dienstag, 19.03., 19:30 Uhr, Zielona Góra, Grünberger Str. 73

We invite you to the sixth edition of Queercoustic Hangout! With drinks, a warm place to make music together and a liveact from Asselbande. Bring your instruments – after the concert there will be time for jamming. We are looking forward to see you there!

Wheelchair accesible entrance and toilet, seperate room, stimming toys

Input der Sex Worker Action Group

Mittwoch, 20.03., 17:30 Uhr, SMART, Schöneweider Straße 24, 12055 

Input: Decriminalisierung and rights of sexworkersWith Ava L’Affaire und Coco La CuntraSex worker action group will talk about the demand for decrimnialisation from the view of sex workers as well as affected of trafficking The Input will be held in german but an english translation is possible

Filmabend im UJZ

Friday, 22.03., *Uhrzeit+, UJZ Karlshorst, Hönower Str. 30

“I make the Revolution- therefore, I exist!” ~
Film screening & input on the decolonial, militant cinema of “Tercer Cine” + followed by a presentation of the film project “Hexentanz” We start the evening with a screening of the Bolivian film “Yawar Mallku” (Quechua with English subtitles, whisper translation to German possible) The film tells the story of an indigenous community in the Andes who realize with horror that a development aid organization of the “gringos” is secretly forcibly sterilizing indigenous women. The village then joins the revolutionary, decolonial struggle.Afterward we will present the queer-feminist film project “Hexentanz”, which is also inspired by Tercer Cine.

Workshop der Medical Students for Choice 

23.03.2024 (wahrscheinlich), *Uhrzeit* *Ort*

Schwangerschaft, Verhütung, Kinderbekommen – ist für viele Menschen mit Diskriminierung und Gewalterfahrungen verbunden. Mit dem Workshop wollen wir zum einen sichtbar machen und aufklären und zum anderen mit euch über das Thema diskutieren. Wir sprechen über verschiedene Diskriminierungsformen bezüglich reproduktiver Gerechtigkeit und legen danke besonderen Fokus auf die globale Situation und Intersektionalität.Barriereinfos: deutsche Lautsprache

Soliparty Wagenplatz Marzipan

29.03.2024, 19 UhrUJZ Karlshorst, Hönower Str. 30, 10318 Berlin

The queer Wagenplatz Marzipan needs support!At our solidarity party there will be an input on the current status and how you can best support the Wagenplatz. Afterwards you can enjoy live music, play table football and much more!Unfortunately, the UJZ is not wheelchair accessible. There will be a quiet room and an awareness team as well as stimming toys. If you have any questions/wishes, please write to

Demo Trans Day of Visibility

Sunday, 31.03.

Trans* Day of Visibility was invented to celebrate trans* and no-binary people and to raise awareness of the discrimination they face on a daily basis around the world. Together we want to fight for self-determination and liberation. Therefore we want wo start a demonstration. We will publish time and date on our website and instagram (@queerdruchberlin).


Die von uns organisierten/ mitorganisierten Veranstaltungen werden durch eine Förderung der Stiftung ‚Stark gemacht!‘ finanziert. Vielen Dank dafür

queerfeministische Jugendgruppe in Berlin